Would you like a chance to explore some yoga philosophy in more depth?
Join us on February 16th for an afternoon of guided discussion. We will explore yogic concepts from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, using guided discussion to enquire into the challenges and opportunities of maintaining friendships with people in and out of spiritual circles.
What do we do when we start noticing that we are going in a different spiritual direction to people around us, and being around some people might actively detract from our progress?
The discussion is held by Surrinder Chera and Annie Cryar, if you have not studied Yoga with Surrinder yet, here is a great opportunity to share his deep experience of asana, pranayama, yoga philosophy and its relevance to today.
£10 for St Leonards Studio teachers and therapists
Free for Teach Yoga Naturally, Yoga teacher trainees
Booking is essential. Please contact Annie annie@stleonards.studio 07722868397